Why you ask?
- Made uninformed remarks about AIDS being "pretty-much" a gay disease
- Has voted consistently against all AIDS-prevention money
- Has voted consistently against all Pride funding, when anyone with a brain knows it brings the city far more than it costs
- Endorsed Minister Wendell Brereton in Etobicoke for Councillor and shurgged his shoulders about the blatant homophobia on Brereton's website
- Referred to being gay as a "lifestyle choice" during the campaign
- Refused to participate in any of this year's 10-day Pride events when some were a mere 50-steps from his office door
- He's the first Toronto Mayor in 18 years to not participate in Pride and wouldn't listen to the advice of his inner-circle, his brother and even the Toronto Sun on the matter.
- Has consistently said he doesn't believe in equality in marriage rights (which thereby means he supports homosexuals not being entitled to the same rights/responsibilities as heterosexuals)
- Made disparaging and uniformed remarks about transexuals
- Lied about his long-standing family tradition of going to the cottage for Canada Day when he was handing out flyers at Yonge & Alexander and Church & Carlton last year during Pride/Canada Day weekend.
- When asked directly by a reporter if he was a homophobe, he mumbled something under his breath that nobody could hear and refused to clarify. If any question should be simple to answer, especially in a city with a huge gay population, yet still a signficant number of "gay bashings," this would be the one. Instead, mumbles.
A few more potential examples here...